Current and past shows.
COPYHumanity is smarter than ever. All of the big questions have been answered. Well, all but one…where are all the bloody eels?!
Keep your tinfoil hat tightly in place and venture with us through the eel-pocalypse. Professor Schmichen Schmoochen and Geeza will be on hand to take you through their cutting research in anguillaform, slither you surreptitiously through the Sargasso Sea and will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of the question of our times, WHERE DEM EELS AT?! |
TEAMProfessor Schmichen Schmoochen/Captain Eelbeard - John Chisham
Geeza/Mama Eel Becca King Original music by Alastair McNamara. |
PERFORMANCESA work in progress performance of Eelmageddon was performed as part of A Pinch of VAULT on 13th Feb 2024.
Upcoming performance info to follow… |
COPYRagnarr Ragnarson is a Skald - a teller of stories, a keeper of history, a composer of poems. Or rather, he will be. Now he’s just a scrawny little limpet on the edge of greatness. He must journey across the White Sea and through the land of his forefathers to find the Storymead - the fountain of all Viking knowledge. So hop aboard - and let the Intrepid Fools take you on an irreverently epic adventure far across the Fjords! With music, mayhem and mythical monsters galore.
TEAMRagnarr Ragnarrson
Alastair McNamara Bear Flora Wilson Brown Skald/Benny Bottom Fionn Creber Ragnar/Bjorn Babinson Becca King Headred/Anifred Airhead Alice Underwood Director Harry Tennison |
PerformancesThis show previewed in Hills Road’s Robinson Theatre in September 2018, then was performed with Underbelly at the Edinburgh Fringe 2019 for a two week run. Following Edinburgh the Fools took VIKING to the students of Reading University for a performance and workshop.
COPYJoin Intrepid Fools on a daring adventure of mystery, music and mayhem. The year is 1889 and there's more to Croydon than the average fete goer would suspect... The play is a farcical tale following Isabella, the next unassuming wife of a murderous philanthropist fixated on finding the perfect woman. If can't find her, her will make her. Beautifully tied together with charming musical interludes.
tEAMQuincy Quincy Quincy
John Chisham Isabella Flora Wilson Brown Jackson & Johnson Becca King Narrator Bethan Lahive Piano Man Alastair McNamara Lighting Designer & Technician Harry Tennison |
PerformancesWe previewed the show in September 2016 at Hills Road’s Robinson Theatre, performed it at Fusion Theatre Festival in June 2017, and took the show up to Edinburgh for a week long run at the Fringe in 2017.